Norman and
Curtis were born and raised in Flint, Michigan. They are friends
from early childhood, back when they lived "down the street" from each
other on E Baltimore Blvd. When they were both very young, they each
demonstrated an inclination towards music. I have known and listen to
them for years and I am happy to see this project come to fruition.
Now they invite you to "JUST LISTEN." ~the JazzeOne
Curtis Brooks III-Bio

Curtis Brooks III
Curtis started playing Alto Sax in the third grade.
Although, rumor has it that Curtis claims to have "fallen in love with
the sound of the saxophone" much earlier in life. He later included
Baritone and Soprano in his
saxophone world- but of course the Alto remains his favorite.
Norman Childress Jr-

Norman Childress Jr.
Norman also started playing a musical instrument
around the same time. His first instrument was the trombone ( which
earned him the nickname "slide-horn" ).Later on, he added the guitar
and then keyboards (his favorite) to his musical interests. Now,
Norman's hands seem always ready to play the perfect musical chord.

Norman and Curtis have always enjoyed playing music
together at various functions throughout the years. ( many wedding
receptions come to mind ). The same is true concerning their first CD
entitled : "Just Listen". They really enjoyed creating their music
during this two year project. Hopefully, it will be the first of many
more to come.